Monday 1 September 2014

Magic CSS Animation

Magic Effects
  • Magic
  • Twisterindown
  • Twisterinup 
  • Swap
  • Puffin
  •  puffout 
  • Vanishin 
  • Vanishout
Static Effects
  • Opendownleft 
  • Opendownright 
  • Openupleft 
  • Openupright 
  • Opendownleftretourn 
  • Opendownrightretourn
  •  openupleftretourn
  •  openuprightretourn
Static Effects Out
  • Opendownleftout
  •  opendownrightout
  •  openupleftout
  •  openuprightout
  • Perspectivedown
  • Perspectiveup
  • Perspectiveleft
  • Perspectiveright
  • Perspectivedownretourn
  • Perspectiveupretourn
  • Perspectiveleftretourn
  • Perspectiverightretourn

  • Rotatedown 
  • Rotateup
  •  rotateleft 
  • Rotateright

  • Slidedown
  •  slideup 
  • Slideleft 
  • Slideright
  • Slidedownretourn
  • Slideupretourn
  • Slideleftretourn
  • Sliderightretourn
  • Swashout
  • Swashin
  • Foolishout
  • Foolishin
  • Holeout
  • Tinrightout
  •  tinleftout
  •  tinupout
  • Tindownout
  • Tinrightin
  • Tinleftin 
  • Tinupin
  • Tindownin
  • Bombrightout
  • Bombleftout
  • Boinginup
  • Boingoutdown
 On The Space
  • Spaceoutup
  • Spaceoutright
  • Spaceoutdown 
  • Spaceoutleft
  • Spaceinup
  • Spaceinright 
  • Spaceindown 
  • Spaceinleft


Animate css

 Just-add-water CSS animations



Although the words emblem and symbol are often used interchangeably, an emblem is a pattern that is used to represent an idea or an individual. An emblem crystallizes in concrete, visual terms some abstraction: a deity, a tribe or nation, or a virtue or vice.
An Emblem is an object or a representation that functions as a symbol. Much info can be placed inside the badge/emblem like establishment date, location, address, tag line, and much more. Many businesses use emblems as their permanent logo design. Some logo designers frown upon this, because the lack of simplicity/the argument of visibility when re-sized, while others praise it. The bottom line is that if you attack this task correctly, the outcome should be beautiful.
Emblem based logos are an ongoing trend that is getting an enormous amount of traction. Today we will showcase some incredible/successful examples of this orientation. You will notice that most logos are based upon a circular format, including a wide use of texture and patterns. Most of the following logos were crafted inside Adobe Illustrator. So if you are in need of inspiration for your project, you’ve arrived at the right place.


A simple but strong graphic symbol, often abstract, that complements an aspect of a business or service and represents a company by association. (Think of NIKE or Apple.)

You should consider a symbol only when:
  • You need an emblem on a product.
  • Your name is too long, too generic, doesn't translate well globally, or has no personality.
  • You need to link subsidiaries to the parent and can't easily use the name.
  • You can afford to teach the public what the symbol means.

Iconic Logotype

Iconic logotypes are also referred to as combination marks. An iconic logotype generally combines a brandmark symbol with a wordmark. The combination can be loose or integral. With a loose combination, the elements can be used together or separately. A well designed iconic logotype can effectively communicate what a company does as well as reflect the company personality.

Choose an iconic logotype when:
  • You are a startup enterprise or small business with limited funds.
  • Your name is reasonably distinctive but not (yet) a household word.
  • You need an emblem on a product, but want more than just a symbol.

Since Iconic Logotypes communicate more readily than other logotypes, less marketing is required for the logo to be effective. Therefore, iconic logotypes are the most cost effective type of logo design available and are ideal for startups or small businesses with limited marketing budgets.

Friday 22 August 2014


What is a Wordmark?

Logos that use only type are generally referred to as wordmarks. Here are a few examples:
Figure 1. Wordmarks of various industries, including technology, internet, automotive and news media.

It’s About Type

Whether comprised of initials (IBM=International Business Machines; RCA=Radio Corporation of America) single words or multiple words, wordmarks generally stand on their own with no accompanying symbol. Their distinct character is due in part to the typeface chosen. Typefaces, or fonts, have unique characteristics that can be used to communicate a look and feel, make a desired impression on a desired demographic. The variations are virtually limitless. In this example, consider the options possible using only one typeface, Univers:

Figure 2. The many faces of just one font, Univers.
Univers is a classic, time-honored san serif typeface family with many children. Depending on how it is used, it can impart a clean look and feel, strong and modern, technical, delicate, or böring. That is just one typeface, in one category. Consider what a font in these other type categories can say about a company:

Some basic font categories. It has been estimated that there are over 200,000 fonts.

Creating Brand Distinction with Custom Type Design

When designing a wordmark there are other considerations after choosing the font. In lieu of any accompanying symbol, it is important to create distinction in the wordmark logo with the appropriate design decisions. Examples: whether to use serif, san serif, upper case, lower case; what color, size and weight, etc…a designer may choose upper and lower case for more readability—the human eye distinguishes the letterforms more easily, at a glance, due to the ascenders and descenders and the difference in height between capitals and lower case. Color choice should speak to the intended audience and communicate the brand story, and also be easily readable. In many cases, distinction is achieved by custom typeface design. Typeface creation is an art, using solid design principles to craft letterforms that work with each other and express a certain flavor or feeling. Many wordmarks employ custom-designed unique fonts or letterforms. Here are some examples of custom calligraphy and hand-lettering:

Figure 4. Wordmark logos created with custom typography, handwriting, or calligraphy

The Twist

Another way to create distinctive wordmarks is using a small simple tweak to customize the mark. It can be a ligature (two letterforms joining), a notch, a color difference, playing with positive/negative space, kerning or letterspacing (manipulating the standard spacing between letters) or basically any twist that makes it unique and different from the standard typeface. Research, intuition, and serendipity can uncover design and strategic masterpieces, such as in the FedEx logo, where letterforms create an arrow in the negative space between the E and x:

Figure 5. Wordmarks often employ a small design element or type treatment to make the mark distinctive

Using Type as the Symbol

Typefaces contain many beautiful features, and sometimes a symbol can be created from entire characters, pieces of charters, and/or modified characters. Shown below are some wordmarks with accompanying iconic symbols made from letterforms. In the next post we will cover combination logos (type plus symbol) in more depth, but since we’re talking about type, I’m including this unique category of logo here:
Figure 6. Wordmarks that employ a symbol made from type take advantage of the inherent beauty of the font.

Elegant, Sparse, Understated

In addition to the technology, automobile, internet and media companies shown in figure 1, luxury and fashion brands, clothing and home goods companies also frequently use wordmarks. In each of these logos, the absence of adornment and masterful execution—the choice of font family, typeface, the weight, case choice, letterspacing or kerning, and color—reflect the sophistication, class, accessibility or utilitarian simplicity of the brands:

Elegant simplicity of luxury, fashion, clothing and home goods wordmarks.

Music. The final frontier.

Where would we be without the evocative typography and iconic wordmarks of our favorite music? These marks are a perfect fit—using genre-defining custom typographic design to reflect the personalities of the musicians and the flavor of the music, helping to create or inform the brand of the band:

Iconic wordmarks of high-profile rock, pop, thrash, metal, and hip hop bands.

What’s Next?

In my next post, we will explore logo design that uses words and symbols together, combining the best of both worlds, distinctive type design married with iconic imagery.


7 Famous Lettermark Logos 

A lettermark is a type of logo consisting wholly of an abbreviation — usually a company’s initials. When building a brand, companies often do so using lettermarks. This is especially true when a company’s name may be hard to pronounce, or when there is difficulty translating a company’s name when doing business on an international level.
One thing to keep in mind, however, is that while the use of lettermarks can be very effective, they are not an effective solution for every company. Lettermark logos are better suited to companies that have a marketing budget large enough to allow them the time and money needed to educate the public on what their lettermark actually means.
The lettermarks listed below have been very effective in strengthening their respective company’s branding efforts, so much so that when we see them, we immediately know which companies they represent.